Medicare Part B: Update on 2019 Reimbursement

For those retirees who received their Medicare Part B Reimbursement from the NYC Office of Labor Relations (OLR) a direct deposit was made by OLR on Friday, April 17, 2020, to the same bank account that their pension check is deposited into. Paper checks will be sent out later.
Everyone should check the amount that was deposited against the amount that they actually paid for Medicare Part B in 2019 by comparing the amount received to the amount shown on their SSA 1099 for 2019.
If there is a difference, the member should file the 2019 Medicare Part B Reimbursement Differential Request Form or the Medicare Part B IRMAA Reimbursement Form if they are in a high income status. No one should complete both forms for the 2019 year. Both forms are available online at