How to Reach DC 37 Retirees Assn. & DC 37; Dues Update

The DC 37 Retirees Association office is officially open. The hours are Monday to Thursday, 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an appointment is necessary for in-person meetings with office personnel. It is recommended that visitors wear a face mask during their visit to the office. To schedule an appointment, please call 212-815-1790 or send an email to [email protected].
DC 37 Retirees Association general membership meetings and committee meetings are still being held remotely via Zoom or teleconference, until further notice. The Executive Board has been conducting its monthly meetings remotely by teleconference and plans to resume in-person meetings again as of May 2023. Below is an update on Association dues, and info on how to reach the Association and DC 37 services.
For those members that pay their annual Association dues by check, please note
that dues checks are being expeditiously processed. However, based on the need for coronavirus precautions -- and our previous experience with disruptions caused by the 9/11 attacks and Hurricane Sandy -- we urge members to sign up for dues checkoff where the Association’s monthly dues is deducted from your monthly pension. Dues checkoff is the smart way to go!
- The DC 37 Retirees Association can be reached via telephone, email, or regular mail.
- Send email to the Retirees Association at [email protected]or [email protected]
- Send mail and/or dues checks to: Retirees Association of DC 37 AFSCME,
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 501, New York, NY 10038 - To contact Association office staff by phone, please call 212-815-1790.
- You can also leave a message on the president's office phone at 212-815-1793.
- DC 37's office at 55 Water Street is also officially open. However, due to
the Coronavirus pandemic, an appointment is required to schedule a meeting with office staff. It is recommended that visitors wear a face mask during their visit to the office. - To contact the DC 37 office via phone, please call 212-815-1234.
- Visit the DC 37 website at for information about DC 37 Benefits and Services, including retiree prescription drug coverage.
- Click here for DC 37 phone numbers for Health & Security, MELS, PSU, Education and more.
- Call the DC 37 Hotline at (212) 815-7555 for updates.
Together we will survive this and hopefully come out STRONGER.