DC 37 MELS Webinars Are Now Online

The DC 37 Municipal Employees Legal Services (MELS) has held webinars on Tax Tips, Family Law, Real Estate, Student Debt, Divorce and U.S. Citizenship that have drawn hundreds of concerned union members and retirees seeking legal advice. These webinars now are available online at www.dc37.net or by clicking on the links below.
Tax Tips
The Jan. 27, 2021, MELS Tax Tips live event had 280 DC 37 members and retirees watch MELS Co-Supervising Attorney Shelly Barasch, who is also an accountant, explain what’s new for tax year 2020, filing status, standard and itemized deductions, tax credits and more. View the video or view the slide show, here: MELS Tax Tips webinar video: http://bit.ly/3a4JtVC MELS Tax Tips webinar slides: http://bit.ly/3qXdvkT
The IRS and New York State have delayed the 2020 tax filing and payment deadline for individuals to May 17, 2021. However, the extended due date doesn't apply to estimated tax payments. These payments are still due on April 15.
Housing Discrimination
On April 14, 2021, DC 37 housing experts, along with Human Rights Specialist Gui Yang from the NYC Human Rights Commission and Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, shared advice on how to fight housing discrimination. A recording of the event is now available online: www.bit.ly/3e1aFGR
Family Law
At an Oct. 28, 2020 webinar, the top three Family Law issues discussed by MELS lawyers were child support, visitation, and ACS Child Protective Services intervention in the home. View the Family Law webinar replay at https://bit.ly/3e2JbQI or view the slides at https://bit.ly/3oC4vBq
Real Estate
At the MELS Real Estate Webinar on Nov. 30, 2020, lawyers and housing experts explained the home-buying process. They discussed retaining and working with a realtor, financing and mortgages, seller and purchaser concerns, and home inspections.View the Real Estate webinar replay at https://bit.ly/2Jf96d7 or view the slides at https://bit.ly/37mclYb
Student Debt
On Dec. 8, 2020, MELS Senior Attorney Joseph Davidson and other lawyers led a webinar on student loan debt and the CARES Act. They shared information on COVID protections for student borrowers, income driven repayment plans, loan consolidation, rehabilitation after default, and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. MELS legal experts also discussed the role bankruptcy can play in discharging or reducing student borrower obligations. View the Student Loan Webinar replay at https://bit.ly/2K0d6Ou or view the slides at https://bit.ly/3oAUow0
Considering Divorce?
At the MELS matrimonial webinar on Feb. 18, 2021, attorneys and family court experts explained the issues decided in a divorce; how to have MELS represent you; what documentation you need to begin divorce proceedings, and more. To view the MELS Divorce Webinar visit: https://bit.ly/3bevzki MELS Divorce Webinar Slides: http://bit.ly/3s7VReR
U.S. Citizenship
At the March 3, 2021, joint presentation by the Building Service 32BJ Legal Service Fund, DC 37 MELS, and CUNY Citizenship Now, immigration experts and lawyers shared free legal advice to help union members understand how to become U.S. citizens and the benefits that come with citizenship. They discussed how to file for citizenship, the requirements, test preparation for the exam, and how MELS can help. To view a slideshow of the webinar, click here.
MELS attorneys are available to help DC 37 members and retirees who are covered by the free legal service. For more information, please contact the MELS Screening Unit at 212.815.1111, or email [email protected].